Friday, February 1, 2008

Show & Tell Friday

Show and Tell I'm so excited to join Kelli's Show & Tell Friday!
Today, I'll share about this cameo which is very special to me.
3 years ago when my 2nd daughter was born my Auntie Ann came over for a visit and she brought this beautiful cameo with her. She gave it to me and then proceeded to tell me a little bit about it.... In February, 1936 my Grandpa came into the room where my Grandma had just given birth to my daddy, and pinned this beautiful cameo on her pillow. I can't believe that was 72 years ago this Feb. 7th!
My Grandpa died when I was a baby, so I never got the chance to know him. Just having a little glimpse of who he was and how much he loved my Grandma means so much to me. Whenever I look at this cameo, I am reminded of that! Someday when Daphne has her own baby, it will be passed down to her too. Until then, and because it is to pretty to be put away, I decided to pin it on my china head doll's dress so it can be enjoyed daily.

Thanks so much for stopping in. Make sure you visit There Is No Place Like Home for more Show & Tell Friday!


  1. It's beautiful! What a lovely cameo.

  2. O! Cameo's are always so beautiful to wear - your china doll is very lucky.

    I adore the story that goes with this very special family piece and know your daughter will treasure it as much as you do when it is her turn to keep it safe for the next genertion.

    Happy "show & tell" from here in Australia


  3. Oh be still my heart!!! I LOVE cameos!!!

    [and I think your china dolls are treasures too]

    Happy show n telling

  4. What a beautiful cameo to go with a beautiful story.

  5. What a beautiful cameo! Something special to give you a little glimpse into your grandfather's heart!

    The story behind it and the cameo will be treasured by your daughter when she grows up!

  6. Its pretty and nice doll. Happy weekend.

  7. That cameo is a little work of art! What a beautiful story that goes along with it!

  8. Oh what a treasure and heirloom. So glad that you found a way to display it and not hide it away.

  9. What a beautiful cameo! I too was given a cameo when my daughter was born. I'm sure I will post that one of these Fridays. :-) Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh MY! I got all teared up over the story of the cameo pin. What a beautiful treasure! What an insight into your Grandpa's heart!

  11. Karoline thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments.
    How wonderful to have the cameo to pass on down the family line. Fabulous that you have somewhere nice to display it.

  12. What a beautiful cameo--LOVELY!


  13. A beautiful treasure from your families past and that's a great way to display it...

  14. Such a touching story and such a beautiful cameo!!

  15. Thank you for visiting me today and leaving a comment. Yes, the first and last lamps shown were oil lamps converted into electric. I guess the second picture was an oil lamp, too. It would have had to been since they didn't have electricity back in those days. The base is so different looking than the lamp that is over 100 years old.

    I love your Cameo. It's so pretty, and I know how proud you must be to have it in your possession. What a neat idea to pin it to your doll's dress.

  16. Wonderful treasure but I think
    it may be older than 72 years,
    it may be pre 1900. It has a
    wonderful Victorian look to it.
    If it has a straight pin with a
    hinge on back without a locking
    clasp like the pin clasps of today it would be older. Priceless!

  17. What a gorgeous cameo and a beautiful story. I love your blog! I think this is my first visit to it and I have you added to my favorites and will add you to my blog roll as well. I also got your message. Thanks!

    Cathy :)

  18. Thank you so much for sharing. What a precious story. The cameo is beautiful.

  19. What a lovely cameo! I have one the same color, but the setting for yours is much nicer than mine. And what a lovely story to go along with it... makes the cameo doubly precious. So glad you have displayed this by having your china doll model it.

  20. Oh My Goodness...very beautiful! Wow! Thanks For sharing!

  21. Beautiful story and cameo. Thanks for sharing.
