Friday, May 18, 2012

Snowballs & A Laundry Soap Bucket

I've been patiently waiting for one of my Viburnum trees to bloom.
Today was the day everything popped!
Not much makes me more happier than cutting a few bouquets of these beauties.
Well, maybe except for... filling my favorite find from last years Farm Chicks show!


  1. These are beautiful! I love how you arranged them in this old ALL bucket! How neat!

  2. I love the contrast of the white, fluffy flowers and that old soap bucket!! Love your blog too!

  3. Oh yes......they are my favorites! We have two... they were a just about ready to turn their delish, yummy lime green when we left for Hawaii.... all bloomed and so pretty when we got back, but I missed the Lime stage... now they're alllll done and looking sorta ishy.

    Have a great week!

