Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Won!

A couple weeks ago I participated in Karla & Beth's Bling Your Birdhouse Party.
It was a lot of fun! I enjoy these parties a lot! It's such a great way to find and meet other bloggers that you might not have come across otherwise.
Some ladies that day, held drawings and gave away birdhouses they had made for the party.
Sonya from Love of Yellow Roses had a giveaway and I was a winner! She made this charming birdhouse and was so gracious to gift it to me.
I absolutely love it! Pink and green my favorite colors, a pink rose, glitter, the sweet birdie, it couldn't be more perfect!
Plus, look at this sweet tag she made too! I have an inspiration board that I need to hang, and I can't wait to add this tag to it. Thanks so much Sonya!


  1. so sweet! what a lovely house and tag. congrats! that's a good winning!!!

  2. Congratulations! It's SO pretty.

  3. Congrats! How fun! That bird house is adorable!

    :0) Sharon

  4. It's too cute! Congratulations!
    I know you'll enjoy it.

  5. I'm so happy for you. What a cute gift. Kathi
