Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend In The Woods

We spent some time this weekend over in Eastern Washington at my brother's cabin.
It is so beautiful over there, especially in the fall when the leaves are just starting to turn.
The girls love to go exploring in the forest. Sydney wore her "Iraq" camo sweatshirt and would yell out periodically "can you see me?" She thought she blended in so well. hehe With 5 acres to explore, there are lots of neat places for photo ops...
These two can't ever get enough rides on the quad
Thanks Shannon and Megan!The vine maple is stunning right now - ooh, I love the colors!
I should have taken a picture of the almost 6 cords of firewood my hubby, brother and two friends got on Saturday. They worked so hard! I'm looking forward to some long winter nights being warmed by the fire. aaaahhh


  1. Your new fall banner is great! I love the colors of fall. Your kids are so cute (Can you see me?). We went for a walk in the woods too, this weekend, but over here it is still a bit too early for the woods to color. We have to wait till next month. Depends on the sort of trees too, of course. From my kitchen window I can see our cessus turning more and more yellow each day. I have seen a lot of toadstools in the woods, gives me a feeling of fall too.
    Enjoy your week!

  2. Looks like the kids had lots of fun though, chickee!
