Friday, April 10, 2009

Project Completed...

Whew! Finally, my labor intensive project is completed.
I used 6 yards of fabric that I cut into 1 1/2" strips and then braided it all together. Once I finished braiding, I coiled the braid in an oval shape and hand stitched it all together. I never dreamed this project would take so long.... to much hand sewing! Next time I make a rag rug, I think I'll try crocheting the fabric together. I just need to learn how to crochet a chain stitch (I've never crocheted). Help, MmmmOM!!!!


  1. It is beautiful! on my list of things to make, maybe I will crochet to avoid the hand sewing.

  2. love the rug! I covet things like that, just so pretty. my dog and husband and frankly everyone else that comes into my house would turn that lovely rug into a mud pile in minutes! so sad. you did a great job, it's beautiful1

  3. Great colors and great job, Karoline! You must be so proud1 I know i would be. I know how much work that must have been because I've made 2 braided coasters but ! hot glued them. I hate to sew. ♥
