Friday, May 1, 2009

Tissue Paper Fluff

I've been wanting to make tissue paper pom pom's for a long time...
and since I'm hosting a bridal shower on Sunday afternoon, for my soon to be niece-in-law, I thought decorating with pom pom's would add just the right touch. Aren't they pretty?!
They are addicting to make and so easy too - I want to hang pom pom's everywhere now!
If you're interested in making your own, click here for the instructions that I followed.
I bet you can't just make one. heeheehee


  1. Oh how cute they look.

    That is definitely on my list of things to try

  2. Honey, I did those also and have them hanging on my bedroom ceiling I love them. I got the kit at half price from Michaels, but I did make one from regular tissue and it came out HUGE! Fun to do though.

  3. Pretty! Pretty! I'll have to make some of those sometime.:)

  4. those are beeaauuutiiifuuulll! Jen wil be so pleased. I definately want to learn how to make 'em.

  5. They turned out so cute. I peeked back at the fabric flowers and they are adorable.
    The girls play house is so sweet and what a great addition to your backyard.

  6. Wow, I love how those turned out. You did a great job!

  7. These are so fun, I would love to make some hot pink and black ones for my Daughters room. Thank you for the instructions.

  8. So pretty! I remember making a bunch of these with my mom, aunts and cousins when I was little for another cousins shower.
    **theres an award for you over at my blog

  9. I love the colors such a "Spring" thing!
    Hugs, Diane

  10. Oh rhey are too pretty Karoline! Hope we get to see party pics!! Have a wonderful weekend and Mom's day! Lori

  11. karoline - it's so nice to find your beautiful blog:) i just love your blog header...and the pom pom flowers...and...everything! i don't know if you do swaps - but i am hosting a vintagey one about clocks, numbers, time, etc...stop by and take a look when you have a free minute!
