Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Berry Fun

I took the girls to a U-pick strawberry farm this morning.
They were both so eager to pick their very own berries. It was a beautiful morning to pick too, the sunshine had returned after being absent for a few days.
We had good pickings in this patch - lots of gorgeous red juicy fruit!
More then a few times, I'd catch someone sneaking a snack.
This girl always ends up with the evidence written all over her face...


  1. Do they just grow more beautiful every day? I certainly think so! Hugs for your babies! Lori

  2. I love your pics...the girls are so sweet and they sure look like they are enjoying themselves! We love to pick strawberries as well and they should be ready in another week or so here in my part of Canada.

  3. Ah strawberry fields...
    I love them too. Nothing tastes better than a strawberry picked fresh from the plant. I can almost smell them when I see your lovely girls.

  4. Oh what a wonderful way to spend some time together. I wish we had strawberry fields in my area. Your girls look like they're having alot of fun. :)

  5. That is a super cool way to create some wonderful, fun memories! It also is a fun way to teach some work ethics and getting the rewards of labor! Your girls are absolutely darling! What adorable scrapbook pages those photos would make! :)

  6. How adorable, little strawberry faces! This is my favorite time of year...strawberries and blueberries! Enjoy them!
    Susie of The Polka Dot Rose

  7. those photos and thoughts of what you will make from those berries made my mouth water. Your pics brought back memories of our berry picking days gone by.

  8. strawberries are my favorite - I'm just starting to pick them in my garden. I generally do u-pick but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my garden will produce enough for me this year.
    Did you go to Marysville to pick?
