Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Teacher Gift Idea

My baby graduated from preschool last week, so now, we have officially completed our preschool years. Oh boy, is that bittersweet!

I put together a little "Thank you" package for Daphne's teachers. I included a gift certificate to a local garden nursery, some flower seed packs, and attached a vintage hanky that I had made into a flower pin.

Summer vacation has somewhat started in our household. We're now just waiting for Sydney, she gets out of school on the 18th!


  1. What a lovely teacher gift! I'm sure they will appreciate those!!!

  2. What a perfectly sweet gift!!
    I know their teachers will be thrilled!
    Happy (almost) Summer!

  3. Lovely! Thank you for the inspiration, we've been trying to think of something to give our teacher who LOVES to garden!

  4. How precious. I'm a teacher, and I know I would be thrilled to receive such a special gift! Have a great summer!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  5. Those are so sweet! Well done Karoline and Daphne...
