Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vintage Bedspring

Is this the coolest find, or what?
Soon, it'll be repurposed into lots of fun and cool stuff.

Seriously? People slept on these things? Hmph, I can't even imagine. Yikes!


  1. I have passed these up before and soooo regret it!!!
    I saw wreaths made out of them on a blog last week..Cherry Hill Cottage I think!!!
    Can't wait to see what YOU create..always exciting!!

  2. These old box springs are so cool but they are very SQUEAKY if slept on! can't wait to see what you do with it1 ♥

  3. What a wonderful photo! I like the idea!!!!
    Hugs, Yvonne

  4. Oh, does this bring back memories! My grandpa had one of these bedsprings across two saw horses in his yard to nap on. He called it his 'shade tree bed'. When I was little I thought everyone had a shade tree bed. Thanks for the memories. Have a nice week! Twyla
