Saturday, June 4, 2011

Farm Chicks Time - Woot! Woot!

In a few short hours, we'll be shopping at Farm Chicks!
This year, we are taking the girls, and meeting my parents in Spokane.
I'm so happy that my Mom and Dad were able to purchase our entry tickets.
Yay! That means, no waiting in that super long line for us!
Can't wait to see all the fabulousness that is Farm Chicks.
I made the apron for Sydney to wear while shopping at the show. She is so excited to dress-up for shopping.

Hope you all have a terrific weekend. It's supposed to hit close to 80° the next couple days, here in Washington. We haven't had temperatures that warm since Sept. of last year.
We are so due!


  1. Hope you have a great time today ....the apron looks beautiful and very cute.
    Jill x

  2. That's great that your parents could get the tickets ahead of time. What fun you will have! That apron is adorable!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  3. Looks like alot of fun and the girls look darling! hugs! karen....
