Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sewing Machine Came Out...

A good friend of our family had her 3rd baby a few weeks ago. She's one of those girls, that never finds out if she's having a boy or girl until the actual birth day. (I could never have waited 9 months to find out!) Already having 2 sweet little boys, we were all kind of hoping she would be blessed with a girl this time, and they were!!!

I knew I had to send some pink, so I made baby Abby a snuggle chenille quilt.

Inspired by the yummy colors in the sweet dress my mom found, I went through my chenille stash to make a coordinating blankie.
It felt good to complete a little sewing project again.
The other day, Lori shared a tutorial on how to make a snowman box. If you haven't already taken a look at the Joli Paquet blog, you must. Lots of fun Holiday projects await.
I think my frosty turned out ok, but I'm a little disaapointed with his head...
it's a bit on the big side.

I used some fabric to cover the box and for the party hat too. The craft store I went to was out of celluclay so I bought fastmache' instead. Overall, I think it worked out ok. I'm working on a different snowman box now. I'll let you know how it turns out...


  1. Oh his head looks just right to me. Now I want to try one.

  2. That chenille quilt looks so sweet and perfect for a baby girl! What a lucky little recipient! Your snowman turned out great!

  3. OK...both of these things are way too die for cute! Thanks for sharing. Is all of your chenille old? I had not ever thought about making a quilt out of just chenille. just love it

  4. I love those baby girl presents! Your mums dress is to cute and your self made quilt is to die for! Makes you longing back to those days. I wanted pink for my girl and dresses and I made her a quilt myself. Somehow I received clothes for her in bold colors and when I finally got something pink for were trousers :-( ah but you know what girls want! I think your snowman is perfect! Cannot wait to try myself. Have a nice day!

  5. Karoline, your snowman is PERFECTLY enchanting!!! i think you did an amazing job on him, he is truly adorable:) PLEASE add him to the flickr pool if you haven't already!!! i would like to know if you had ever tried cellu clay before? because, you really rocked it:)

  6. I think his head is perfect. It gives him character.

  7. Love the quilt and your sweet snowman too!!!

  8. What a sweet baby blanket-good for you for finishing it!! That seems to always be be my problem!
    I LOVE the snowman-very sparkly chic!
