Monday, August 10, 2009

Breaking Ground

Last Friday, we broke ground for a project that we've intended to complete for um, lets see, more than 4 years...
After buying all new hardware, welding on an extension, sanding off old paint, repainting, and adding a shiny 6" finial, we were ready to dig a hole for our salvaged flag pole.
In the process, curious minds were busy trying to figure out if they could really see China through that deep deep hole...

Once the hole was dug, the pole placed, and 520 pounds of concrete poured into the form, we finally had a standing flag pole.
Before the concrete was completely set, the girls made their mark.
The project was finally completed on Sunday, and we got to fly our colors!
Our flag pole was actually built a long time ago by workers at my daddy's company. It stood in front of my great Uncle Art's beach house (which was next to ours) for many many years. A few years ago, his son took down that house to build a new one, and didn't want the flag pole. My father-in-law happened to be their builder, so we asked if he'd save the flag pole for us.
We're really glad to have preserved it for our yard!


  1. How wonderful to have a flagpole with such history.
    Now the girls have made their mark on it too!!

  2. I love that photo of your lovely girls looking whether they can see China! What an heirloom!
    Of course I know the Stars and Stripes, but what are the other flags? I'm just curious and of course I'm blogging to learn, what else? :-D

  3. you lucky pup!! I have wanted a flagpole for years. And yours is so very cool! I have even been thinking about making a stantion and banners for different occations, or to "mark" our camping or picnic spot

  4. Cool! A flag pole with history that really is "cherished vintage".
