Today's Show & Tell hosted by Cerri is all about ephemera.
I don't have a huge collection, but I do have a few pieces I think are really beautiful.
First is this marriage certificate from 1921. I love the florals!
I love to find old postcards with roses. When the cards have a written message on them, I love 'em even more. I have these postcards displayed on top of mirror harp that I turned upside down and hung on the wall.
Old sheet music is another type of ephemera I like to find.
The cover on this piece is so beautiful I just had to frame it.
I couldn't pass up this vintage candy box when I found it. Oh the roses!!!
Victorian calling cards are another favorite. The die cuts are amazing...
Can't forget vintage valentines!
Don't miss the chance to win the giveaway I'm having!
All you gotta do is leave a comment on my previous giveaway post, and you'll be entered. I'll be drawing the winning name Monday morning.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
I love your vintage ephemera! Everything!
Karoline, your collection of ephemera is gorgeous!!! i love how you have everything displayed too, it looks so very pretty and your pictures are truly beautiful!!! i LOVE that marriage certificate best of all i think:)
What a wonderful way to display your ephemera, cherished chickadee!!! I've learned something from you today. I just stick mine back in lovely boxes, on old garden gates, my trellis, but I think I'll put it in some lovely bowls also! You're a genius, I tell ya.
What a beautiful post! I love the way you display things in your pictures! Have a nice Sunday! Twyla
You are the rose and valentine queen! Love it!
Thanks for showing!
I love the calling cards, I too have some of the same ones you have shared. So very vintage!!
Debbie Kay
What a pretty collection! I love the rose postcards. Have a great Sunday! Di
Love that cigarette card with the pink rose...sigh. Strange to put something so delicate and beautiful on a cigarette advertisement, somehow cowboys and gangsters seem more appropriate lol. Nice collection!
Ohh, those rosey postcards make me drool! Very pretty!
Oh all those fantastic roses! What a beautiful collection. Love those trading cards! t.x
A beautiful collection!
The roses are beautiful but I love the Valentines! So sweet!
You have a lovely collection...I especially like the Valentines and the rose postcards...I've never seen the calling cards before...I'll be looking for them. Hugs, Linda
Your vintage ephemera is beautiful! I adore roses! :)
Hello, I enjoyed my tour around your lovely blog. Thanks for stopping by nmine and taking the time to comment, i appreciate that and love to meet new friends.
OMG! Beautiful Treasures!
Thank You Denise Nantasket Beach,Mass.
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