Hope you're having a wonderful day, celebrating those you love.
We've had a great day! The girls both had super fun parties at school, and have been so involved this afternoon with the Valentine's they received from their classmates. It's so nice to see lots of homemade Valentine's in their boxes.
I love that!

Each Valentine's Day, our PTA hosts an appreciation lunch for the teachers and staff at school.
This year, I made a reusable lunch bag from a felted sweater.
I embellished the bag with one of my ruffly flower pins that can be removed and worn on a jacket too.

The staff and teachers really enjoy this special lunch, and it's so fun to be a part of.
** On a side note, isn't the vintage valentine up top, cute?
It was one of many I received from my daddy this year.
The little birdie holding the heart is attached to a spring so it jumps out at ya when you open the card - adorable!
I'll try to take pictures of the others I got. There are so many really cute ones.