What a weekend! The
Ruffles & Rust show was a blast!
I so appreciate YOU - my friends, customers, and fellow vendors who stopped by.
Thank you, thank you!
Now, it's time to unload the trailer... but not much to unload for which I'm thankful.

I had fresh flowers in my space, and took these pictures to show an example of the hand stamped spoons I sold.
Have you seen hand stamped spoons? They've been popular for awhile now.
I love 'em. I think they are so cute tied to a mason jar, stuck in a plant, or attached to a gift.
My intentions were to make a few myself to sell, but I struck out terribly on my own.
My hubby ended up completing
the my project.
Ahem he loves that - ha!
I was not good at flattening out the spoons. I tried doing that with a hammer, but it just wasn't working for me. Thankfully, hubby came along and saved the day. He has has a hydraulic metal press and that did the job perfectly.
Next came the hand stamping. Sheesh! That was harder for me to do than I thought, too - ha! I ruined a few spoons because I didn't hit the stamp hard enough.... Oh well, hubby saved the day again. Have I mentioned that he. is. the. best!

I'm already gathering up more silverplated spoons to stamp.
I think they're too great not to have on hand.