One of my "favorite things" are vintage wedding cake toppers.
A couple years ago a dear friend of our family gave me the cake top from her wedding in 1950. I was so taken with it, I thought is was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I felt so honored that she would just give it to me!
Around the same time, my mom found my grandparents cake top and that was given to me also. So began a new collection!
Here is a picture of one of my vintage wedding cake topper vignettes in our living room.

Today my mom, the girls, and I went thrifting at a newly opened Goodwill. Lots of treasures were found, which hasn't been the case in awhile, so it was a delight! While I was treasure hunting and trying to manage my 3 year old who was in the midst of a melt down, my mom and Sydney were off searching in another part of the store. Suddenly I see Sydney and my mom looking for me. At this point, I wasn't to hard to find. I think everyone in the store could HEAR where Daphne and I were. I notice my mom holding a vintage cake topper. She asks me what I thought of it. I immediately know I want it, and when I see the price, I especially want it more! My mom precedes to tell me that Sydney spotted the cake top on a crowded self and said to her, "Grandma, this sure would be pretty in my mommy's collection!" How sweet is that? What a terrific scout I have!
Here is a picture of the cake top... it's marked Coast Novelty 1959. Not bad for $1.49!