Whoa..... is it just me, or did this week just fly right on by????
I can't believe it's already time for Show and Tell Friday!
I have so much fun thinking all week of what I want to share with you all.
Today I chose to show you a couple sterling silver thimbles I have. I offically have a collection since I have 3 right? :o) The 2 larger thimbles belonged to my great Auntie Esther, and the littlest one I found at an estate sale a couple years ago.

I think their intricate design is gorgeous and makes them look so pretty. I especially love the one with the cherubs and garland it is marked Pat. Nov 21, 05.

Here is a photo I found with my Auntie Esther (middle), Uncle Tom (right), and my Grandma(left). This picture was probably taken in the 30's. Uncle Tom and Auntie Esther did not have children. I remember visiting their beautiful old house as a little girl, and enjoying all the "pretties" she had. When they both left us to go live in Heaven forever, my mom was given a few of their things. I am so happy that I have a couple things to remind me of Auntie Esther!

Here is my little sewing display, and where Auntie Esther's thimbles rest.

Thanks for stopping by today!
If you haven't yet, be sure to check out
Kelli's House for links to all the other participants.
Thank you for stopping by to see my Show and Tell display...and I just loved yours! I really really like the sterling thimbles. I am going to have to look for those now when I am antique hunting.
Thank goodness for Auntie!
Awesome. Oh to go back in time when the days of thimbles were everywhere....I remember my mom's. And when she passed away, I made sure that little ol' me got it. I have it on a little shelf, next to her bible...
But, I really like you little sewing display idea too. That's a great idea.
My Show N Tell is shared. Hope you can drop by for a few minutes' visit today.
Hmm its nice that you have to show us your nice stuff. Most of our furniture in the house are antiques and that was things from my hubby's uncles and old folks. Thanks for sharing.
I love this one. I especially love the sewing display.
I love the old picture. At first I thought, "05", and was think 2005.
I'm a sucker for thimbles...even the cheapo ones lol. I love your display, super cute!
Wonderful. It is amazing when we think of the beauty they had in the every day ordinary things. Thanks for showing them. And yes, I'd say 3 is the start of a "collection"!! What is the history of the pink sewing machine? I love your display.
Those are so pretty! I like your sewing display.
I collect jewelry for the same
reasons, the little designs,the details,this is true especially on older jewelry. Lovely Thimbles &
old photo-{priceless}!
I like to sew and last year I happened to spot a beautiful old thimble (prob. not silver as not marked) but it fits me perfectly and parts of it are very worn from use. I like to think I am continuing to keep it busy.
Cute pink sewing machine.
I love the thimbles. My nan collects thimbles, she has quite the collection.
Those are really pretty! I'll bet most young women today have never used a thimble. My 20 year old daughter loves to sew which isn't very common anymore! I love it when people post a picture to go with their treasures showing who they got them from!
What beautiful pieces of art! Your Aunt's is a real treasure!
How nice to have items to remind you of beloved family members.
Your display is adorable! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
It is amazing how they decorated the old thimballs!! Love your sewing machine!
I loved seeing these. Thank you for sharing. Thimbles are something I once thought I would like to collect, but never started.
What pretty thimbles and the detail on them is amazing.
I really like your sweet vignette showing them with all you neat sewing things. Linda
Karoline these are just gorgeous! I especially love the little cherub thimble and the pink sewing machine is too darling! Wonderful family heirlooms!
Cathy :)
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