Yesterday, I was given this gorgeous old funeral basket from a dear friend at church. It is absolutely stunning! Thanks so much Audrey, I love it!!!
I was so excited to add it to my collection - I just needed to figure out where I'd display it.

One thing lead to another and soon I was rearranging our bedroom...
Our room is quite small and it's packed with furniture!

I actually only moved 2 pieces of furniture - the chest of drawers and my vanity. It ended up making quite a difference in overall space.

I hung a vintage prom gown on the wall, and framed it with a old mirror harp.

Since I moved the chest of drawers from under the window, it freed up some space, giving me a wonderful spot for my dress form. The peg rack displaying a few of my favorite vintage batiste baby dresses was rehung under the window. I've been trying real hard to declutter and I think I did pretty well in our room... It's really hard for me - I like lots o' stuff. hehe

A picture of my most favorite piece of furniture concludes the full circle tour of our bedroom.

Oh, I almost forgot.... I did a little makeover to this bench today. Here is the before,

and the after...

I covered the seat with a vintage barkcloth remnant and painted the wood black. Since I have a few darker accent pieces now, I decided to go with black - completely opposite of my standard off white. I actually like the change!