Lately, playing in the dirt has been foremost on my to-do list.
I was able to get our little raised vegetable garden planted a couple weeks ago. 
Everything seemed to be growing right along, until this cutie showed up and pretty much ate through the whole bed!

I was quickly beginning to change my mind about his cuteness. Ugh!
Thankfully, all it took was a bit of chicken wire for me and Bun Rab to coexist in harmony.

My little garden is thriving again, and Bun Rab seems to have moved on and found some other things to satisfy his tummy.
I think we're gonna have some issues once again when it comes to my roses!

Now, if only the weasels and mountain beaver would stay out of sight, I'd get a lot more dirt playing time, in. Their sightings, have made me (and Sydney) so jumpy - yikes!