today, I married my best friend!

It's been so funny looking at our wedding pictures. We were so young! I worked as a bridal consultant for many years, which was extra nice while I was planning our wedding. I loved my dress! Check out the shoulder pads - so 90's, right? hehe

I am the most blessed woman in the world! I have a husband that loves me deeply and who I love more today then I did the day we were married.
Every once in awhile I really stop and take a look at him. I still can't believe he's mine! I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger (he's 4 1/2 years older then me) and I thought he was soooo cute. When I was in Jr. High and he in High School - he just didn't see me. hehe
I could have never dreamed the day we actually noticed each other at church in the summer of '88, that that would be the beginning our life journey together.
Life with my honey just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks for loving me always Mr. S.
P.S. I love you more! hehe