Here's a quick little project I did this evening while everyone else in the house was preoccupied with the Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV.
First thing I did was to print out a few vintage postcard images on cardstock. I have a "Creative Cardmaking" cd that has a nice selection of vintage images - these three are my favorite...

I then went out into the garage and found some thin wood and cut out pieces the same size as the printed images.

Once I glued the images on the wood with spray mount, I drilled two holes to run some ribbon through for hanging.

Next I sanded all the edges and the top of the image too - aging it a bit.

I sprayed a clear coat of sealer to the entire image because I didn't want the ink to smear when I used wet glue to add glitter.

Just a touch of glitter was used to accent a few places on each image.

I hung the little plaques in our entryway.

All completed in less than an hour.
Great idea! But I have to learn myself to use a saw and a drill first..that would be a great idea to accomplish in 2009 AND learning how to crochet as well.
Thanks for inspiration (I could always use thick cardboard too, of course ;-))
These are beautiful, the things you create in a jiffy are just amazing!! I have been admiring your work for a bit and left you an award on my blog.
Happy Holidays!
What a fun and cute idea! I love how they turned out!
OMG...that is tooo cute! What a great idea. I watched the whole Charlie Brown last that little snoopy!
You did a great job with those santas!!
Your plaques are beautiful, and so is that shelf they are hanging on.
I love these. They look so nice and so professional. You are quite skilled. I love the glitter too.
What a fun project! I found some of these images on the internet (public domain). I may have to try this. Thanks for the crafty idea!
Now, I am going to take a peek at the rest of your blog. ;~}
Cute. How fun and easy was that project?
Your 'shelf' that you hung them on- it looks like it was a table in a prior life. Was it?
Off to read some more.
tAhnks for sharing.
Barbara Jean
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