Happy Friday!
Today, I'd like to share the centerpiece I made for a baby shower last night at church. We have had a baby and bridal shower boom at church recently. I'm on the "celebrations" ministry team and last night was my turn to decorate the table.
This little duckie sat up on the top of the diaper cake centerpiece I made.

I forget now how many diapers I rolled up to make each layer of the "cake". I think there were about 20 or so on just the bottom tier. I tied string around each layer and then added a card stock band to cover up the string.

For the baby garland, I stenciled the letters onto some tags, painted in the letters and sprinkled with glitter. I also found some cute painted wood animals: a frog, turtle, and duck which I hot glued to the paper band - one on each tier.

Little itty bitty buttons at the corner of each square were hot glued on to add some texture. The coordinating bows added the finishing touch.

Here is a picture of the diaper cake at the shower.

Thanks for dropping by today. Have a terrific weekend!
What a darling centerpiece! That little duck must have been the master of ceremonies! Very creative! :)
That is so cute! I love the diaper cake idea, but your little duck and banner really make it unique. Great job!
That is too cute! You're so creative. Such a clever idea.
This is very nice! It looks like it took forever to make.
So cute. I've seen those done before but I think yours is one of the cutest I've seen. You went to a lot of work to make it special.
So CUTE!!!
I clicked on Kelli's House and her picture looked REALLY familiar so I read her post about Homeschooling & she uses the same curriculum as me. :0) I bet I've seen her on the sonlight forums before. Small world. :0)
How cute. I've attended a lot of baby showers in my day - never saw a centerpiece like this.
Thanks for stopping by my Show & Tell and for the lovely comment you made.
Have a great weekend.
That is sooo cute! Just wanted to invite you to stop by and enter my give-away, Post a comment on my "friends are like flowers" blog and that is all you have to do. Hope to see you there.
This is adorable! The ducky idea
is just sooo sweet.
that is so Clever! Very nice work, beautiful colors and just a wonderful idea. You definitely belong on THAT committee.
toooooooo cute....... good job... and that took some time.... thanks for stopping by my blog and the nice things said about my show and tell... it was my first time to join in and I have had a great time...
Absolutely love it! Especially the cardstock bands!
That's just as cute as can be! I love the detail that you put into it! I'll bet the Mommy to be loved it!
What a great centerpiece for the shower! That is so creative!
What are your duties for "celebration" ministries? It sounds like it would be fun to start up at my church!
That is sooooo cute! I love it! How clever! You are really talented!
:0) Sharon
Oh, it's so cute! You did a wonderful job on it, I'm sure everyone loved it!
That is the sweetest idea, how clever are you! I love it.
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