First off, I have to say, I don't really collect dolls. At least I didn't think I did, until I went around the house taking pictures of the different dolls we have living here. Now, I guess I better say I have a little collection...
A few weeks ago, my mom gave me (well, actually I asked and then took) the taller bisque doll from her collection. I had the smaller girl, who was lonely and needed a friend. Aren't they so cute together? I know, they need clothes but I think they're pretty cute as they are too!

Bisque dolls are my favorite. I even love these little Japan bisque kids with their chippy paint and all.

China head dolls are another doll I really like. The black haired one came from my Grandma N. Blonde china heads are more rare, so I'm told. I bought my blonde lady a couple summers ago at an auction. I think she is so beautiful! Oh, and she proudly wears my Grandma L's cameo.

I love this German half doll. I bought her at an estate sale for $5! I thought she was so pretty with her rosy cheeks, yellow bonnet and pink roses. I didn't know much about half dolls at the time but quickly learned when I got home. Boy, I kick myself now for not buying ALL the half dolls at that estate sale...

I put together this Armand Marseille 390. A few years ago I won just the shoulder head on ebay and paid practically nothing. Her face was so sweet and she also had her original wig! Even though she didn't have a body, she needed a home. Last spring I went to a local doll show and found an AM kid leather body. I'm so happy she is now complete!

This little wind up crawling baby is made of celluloid. He was a gift I received in a trade. Don't you just love his flirty eyes!?

Ok, so I'm not really fan of this type of doll, but since she is a bride and because I collect vintage wedding things, I had to bring her home. She only cost me a dollar. I would have felt bad if I hadn't bought her home...

Now, I love my NancyAnn Storybook Groom, Bride and Bridesmaid.

This little composition guy was my Auntie's doll when she was little in the early 40's. I love his little fragile sweater. I know... he needs pants! :o)

Another doll I took, I mean, was given to me, by my Mom is this sweet little bisque bye-lo style baby. I think he looks so happy in the buggy!

One more bisque baby, hanging out in a Wyandotte baby buggy which also belonged to my Aunt. The Hermann mohair bear makes a great snuggly pal for the baby, don't you think?

Oh, and last but not least, I love, love, love, my baby doll heads! I'm sure someone will think it's a little strange to have doll heads on a shelf, but I think they have the cutest faces ever!

Thanks for stopping by. This challenge was super fun! I'm now off to mingle, have fun, and check out all the other dollies that have come to the party too!
I just love what you have gathered around you (I wouldn't dare to use the word collection ;-)
I have been scrolling down, now I see that we met with millinery hats, buttons and birdhouses too. I love you blog and what you are showing us. Can I put your link in my sidebar?
o my gosh! look at all these adorable dolls. i love your baby dolls the best. i think? ok i love them all.
What a fabulous collection of wonderful dolls I love the first Bisque ones especially.
Cheers Linda
Hi Karoline! What a sweet doll collection, or should I say doll family! I love the little metal buggy! Too Cute! I have a lot similar to yours, which I will be downsizing soon, and listing some on ebay. (vintage*soda*shoppe)
Fabulous collection~~~
They are all so beautiful!
What an enchanting collection of dolls, I adore your AM doll, she has a sweet face and you did a wonderful job putting her all together.
I too love tiny Bisque dolls and their pocket size charm.
And your half doll is beautiful….
I also love your banner, it is so pretty…
Oh my, what a BEAUTIFUL collection you have!!! I especially love the first 2 and am hoping to get a few more of this type myself. I also love the half-doll lady. She is really lovely and I can just imaging adding her to something in order to make a pretty skirt. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!
I'm feeling inspired to take my dolls out of their box in storage & put them on display. We'll see...I keep thinking I'm going to give them to the girls one day. I have a doll that was my mom's when she was young & then she gave me one in a wedding dress when I was little. I also have a Shirley Temple doll that was my Aunts. Hmmm....might be time for Ryan to put up some shelves for me. :0)
Karoline, oh my goodness!!! you have a wonderful collection of wonderful dolls...i love ALL of your bisque, those are my favorite kind of dolls...i am a wee bit jealous of your gorgeous doll heads, i am still on the lookout for some of those...your half doll is SO pretty...and your wedding nancy anns are darling...thank you so very much for playing with me today!!!
Your half doll is just lovely. Great collection.
Your "collection" (yes I'd say you have one) is one of my favorites of the challege! I love the bisque ones as well, but didn't take the time to photo mine. Can I kick you too for not buying all those half dolls for $5? (JK) I love the buggies, are they made of tin? And your aunt's doll looks just as sweet without pants...sorry I am not a wierdo. So glad to find your blog. I'll be back!
What a beautiful collection, I like the half dolls most.
I love the piece you got off of Ebay..She's beautiful. All of your dolls are in fact. I'm jealous of you beautiful dolls! Thanks for sharing:)
That baby in the baby buggy is to die for. Just too adorable! Your collection is beautiful.
Fun reading about and seeing all of your precious dolls!!! Thanks so much for sharing, I so enjoyed my visit here.
Love love love your collection! So much prettier than trolls...
You have the cutest doll collection!! Love them all!!
Sweet sweet sweet!! I love your collection! Particularly the little ones and the crawler!
your collection is great !!! i love the doll heads. I also have a few Nancy Ann dollys. I love the vintage dolls !!! The babies are beautiful so lovely indeed. Hugs, Mica
Your doll collection is so pretty, thanks for sharing, this was so much fun Pinkie Denise
I am in love with your doll collection!!!! Just fabulous! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Oooooh, I love your dolls!! You've got an amazing collection! Those Nancy Ann dolls are sooooo adorable! Your little bisque ones are gorgeous, too!
*hugs* Dara
Not a bad collection for someone who dosen't collect dolls:) Rachael
Wow to think you didn't think you collect dolls! These are gorgeous!
That baby buggy is just darling- I love the old tin litho toys and used to collect the tea cups and plates.
And I do love your Nancy Ann wedding party!
You have such pretty things. I love your blog.
The dolls are so cute!
Cute dollies. You do have quite a few, I have no dolls myself, except for the girls' playdolls. I've always found the porcelain doll types a bit spooky.
Enjoy your party!
Oh how fun this was to look at all of your dolls. I LOL'd when I saw the doll heads. I bought one years back and sold her and now wish I'dve kept her. Yours are precious. My favs are the bisque dolls from Japan. Have you been over to Cowboys and Custard blog? Link is on my sidebar. She makes the most adorable boxes with those figures inside.
Have a happppppy day!
What a wonderful collection - Love the little baby buggy!
Hi, Karoline - love your collections and the beautiful way you photograph them. Glad I found your blog!
Your collection is fabulous! I have to say I have never seen so many doll heads in my life as I have visiting all the posts. While I do find their faces sweet I am creeped out by them a bit too! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, you have quite the collection. They are very cute :)
How funny, I was the same way, I didn't even realize I was a doll collector till this challenge came along. You have some beauts there!
Thanks so much for joining in to make one of the 100 cards for my aunt's 100th birthday. She will be so thrilled to get these!
these are great little dolls you have - I especially love your aunts composition doll - fabulous!
I missed the party but decided to post my own favs just the same. If you are interested, feel free to stop by: http://3rdeyemuse.blogspot.com/2008/04/doll-party-worse-than-fashionably-late.html
smiles ~M~
Oh I'm so in love with you doll collection! I'm especially fond of the baby doll heads, so pretty! And the bisque dolls are awesome too! Lucky you!
Best wishes from Germany sends
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